For your convenience, here are some pet friendly recommendations. When entering the room, your pet will be welcomed with a food and water bowl on a pet floor mat and a special pet treat! Please let us know if we can assist you in any way.
Daily from sunrise to 10AM and 4:30PM to 8PM. Most of the park is leash-only with a small portion for off-leash. Open grassy area southwest of the Washington entry plaza. Current tags and vaccinations required.
Pet-friendly walkway lined with South Beach’s famous art deco landmarks. Also gives you easy access to pet-friendly restaurants.
Open Fridays and Saturdays between 1:30PM and 5:30PM between 70th & 87th Street. Current vaccinations and small entry fee required.
18th St & Purdy Ave
199 Collins Ave
13th St & Michigan Ave
Our Travel Advisors are available to assist you.
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